Relief Society Meetings

September's Meeting

August Relief Society Meeting

In August the theme for our Relief Society Meeting was "This Little Piggy. . ."  After munching on sandwiches, chips, vegtables  and INDULGING  in the best ice cream bar ever, we all settled down to learn from some very talented and wonderful sisters in our ward.  I wish I had more pictures of this wonderful evening, but below is a recap. 


"This Little Piggy went Shopping."  by Melinda O.

Melinda taught us how to find and use valuable coupons to make our dollar go farther at the super market as well as other stores we frequent.   Below is a list of internet sites that Melinda recommended.  Click on the links and find all kinds of coupons, information and bargins. 

Internet Printable Coupon Sites


Coupon Sources Inserts: Coupons found in your Sunday newspaper in the section with the store weekly ads. Go to Sunday Coupon Preview or The Coupon Clippers to see what coupons are coming out in Sundays paper!

  • Blinkies: Pull these coupons from the “blinking” machines at the grocery store
  • Peelies: Coupons that are stuck to the actual product
  • Tearpads: Pads of coupons typically found on special displays at the store, tear off one or two or three…
  • Home Mailers: Coupons that are sent directly to your mailbox
  • Magazines: All You is a magazine sold exclusively at Walmart or via subscription and it almost always has great coupons in it.

Frequently visited websites:

Want to buy inserts or coupons instead of the Sunday paper?

"This Little Piggy Stayed Home" by Katie H.
Katie discussed home to decorate our homes without spending a lot of money.  Some of her suggestions include shopping at garage sales, thrift stores and then painting or restoring the items.  With a little creativity Ktie showed us how to make our homes comfortable and reflect our style without "breaking the bank."

"This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef" by Beckie W
No more excuses for boring lunches after this class!  Beckie had a table full of creative, and fun things to make for lunch.  Picky eaters will be excited to eat sandwiches made to look like animals, stars etc. and snacks in clever packaging.  My favorite was the metal lunch box with the top painted in chalk board paint so every day Mom could write a new message on the lid of the lunch box. 
Here are three websites Beckie would recommend for the most creative, clever and fun ideas for lunches:

"This Little Piggy Had None" by Jen Johnson
Jen spoke to us about "filling our cups" with scripture study.  In a day of competing demands for our time nothing can compete with the blessings that come from studying the scriptures.  The scriptures can help us feel better and live more healthy and productive lives.       

"This Little Piggy Cruied Wee Wee All the Way Home" by Brandy R.
Always the optisist, Brandy spoke about how being happy is a choice.  Despite adversity we can find peace and happiness.  Choosing to look on the bright side and refusing to let yourself stay down will help us overcome hardships and sorrows.  Trust in the Lord and in His timing.  He can comfort and bless our lives, but we need to trust Him and move forward even when times are tough.    

Stake Relief Society Meeting--Service With a Smile:-)

On March 31st members of all of the Relief Societies in our Stake came together in a humanitarian effort.  The sisters assembled personal hygiene kits and tied several quilts.  Thank you to everyone who attended and participated!  Your efforts will bless the lives of many in need!

Relief Society Meeting
January 27th

What a wonderful evening!  The Enrichment Committee certainly outdid themselves.  Enjoy the pictures!

Next Relief Society Meeting. . .

Thursday, February 24th at 6:30 p.m.